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The MichelangelO Project
Bronze Bozzetti
Museo Casa Buonarrotti, Florence, Italy

These bronzes were cast from works of Michelangelo Buonarrotti taken from his original clay maquettes--or Bozzettis from the Museo Casa Buonarrotti in Florence Italy--Cast into a small limited edition Bronze Collection.
Nudo Virile (al rovesciata “David”)
Torso Virile (Sciavo Morente or “Louvre Slave”)
Dio Fluviale (“River God”)
Due Lottatori (“Two Wrestlers”)
Nudo Femminile (“female Nude”)
Crocifisso (Wood Crucifix)

Michelangelo's Masterpieces in Bronze:
A Timeless Tribute to Renaissance Art
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