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David Pazdernik


"There's something about flowers that I find especially appealing and compelling, so I paint them. To me, they are some of God's very best work. After all, what's not to like? Their infinite variety and shapes, sizes and colors is everything to challenge and invigorate an artist's vision. And so I paint my own unique and personal way. I also like the pictures that words can create. So I combine the two. Hang one of my pictures and you get double pleasure-something engaging to look at and something to tweak your mind. Quite simply, I seriously paint flowers with a lot of skill and a wry sense of humor. You'll have to be the judge of whether I successfully pull it off or not" - David Pazdernik

"Ask the Lotus"  
Original on Board
 Size: 24"x 24"


"True Lover of Flowers"

original oil on board 

Size: 24" x 24"


"Flowers Say What Words Cannot"
original oil on board  
Size: 42" x 42"


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10 E Hinsdale Avenue 
Hinsdale IL 60521
gallery: 630 908 7227
cell: 847 612 2706 

550 Okeechobee Blvd. Suite CU-2
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 
gallery/cell:   561 389 4150 
Sheryl cell: 847 612 2706  

*Complimentary Valet parking from South Towe

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